

This is about how much the common person knows about the NFL lockout. I turned on ESPN today and saw they were once again talking about the NFL lockout. Today they were talking about how the owners were going to take a vote, which the collective banning arrangement did pass. If you look at the schedule the labor deal had to be passed on July 21st to make sure the NFL didn't miss any preseason games. Today is July 21st, coincidence, I think not, the NFL owners and players had a plan all along. This whole thing was a publicity stunt, every-day coverage by ESPN, every day building up tension and it wouldn't surprise me if this is one of the most watched seasons of football. The whole world knew that the owners and the players didn't want to lose any of their precious money and they were going to compromise.  Therefore, this whole thing was for publicity. 

Moving onto the NBA'S lockout you see all star players like Kobe and D-Wade saying they are willing to play overseas mostly in Europe countries. This is just used for leverage as the players to "get their point across." To make it work, ESPN is hyping it up like how the NBA will miss 2 to 3 seasons before a deal is expected. This is clearly bull because the NBA would come to a halt and would be no longer useful if they take off 2 to 3 years. Therefore I plan to see something like the NFL, as in coming down to the last day of a deadline then being passed and the season being one of the most watched.

In my own opinion there won't be another lockout due to the companies seeing the results of the MLB and the NHL lockouts which actually resulted in games missed. MLB lockout cut out the last half of the season in 1995 which killed the profit and cancelled the post season for the entire major league. It brought outrage to baseball fans. The NHL lockout lasted a whole year, killing NHL stability and killing the fan base of the NHL. When the NHL picked up the next season it was nowhere as popular as previous years. Therefore I see no lockout in the future of any sport and if they do they won’t be as serious as NHL and the baseball. Leave your comments on what you think about the NFL lockout, NBA lockouts and lockouts in general!


  1. I hope theres not a lockout for NBA although some players were lost

  2. lol, i dont even know anything about lockout myself >.<

  3. very informative. i never knew they had lockouts.

  4. The problem and main difference between these lockouts is the NFL is in a fight over who gets all of the towering stacks of cash they are generating, while the NBA is in a fight over why they are losing money and what they can do about it. i.e the NFL is feeling a lot better than the NBA right now.

  5. Never knew about this area before, great blog post! Following for more great posts mate

  6. Never heard about that, but nice read!

  7. very interesting, never thought about the lock-out as being a ratings booster type of thing.

  8. Good luck with your site, I'll see you at the game.

  9. Short lockouts might help get free publicity, but a long lockout might hurt them badly overall

  10. I've actually been keeping up a lot with this proposed lockout and it sickens me to see the NFL side and the players side. NFL wants them to work more for same wage and players simply want less work and more money. Pitiful people in this sport I love so much.

  11. heard of this lockout here and there but never payed much mind to it

  12. The herd:) It will settle personal greed is too great to let ego get in the way

  13. If they kept the lockout short they might not feel a detrimental effect.
